How Meditation Can Change Your Life

Does meditation really work? Although it has been around for centuries meditation seems to be the new buzzword when it comes to personal growth. But….does it work?

I was going through a rough patch in my life and a friend suggested that I try meditating. Huh? When will I find the time? Or..the place? How do I meditate? I don’t want anyone to see me. I’ll feel silly. Does meditation even work? She gently nudged me to look more into it.

As I researched more about meditation I was amazed at how much information there was on the subject. It sounded intriguing. It sounded easy!!! And best of all, it really lined up with some of my values that I was disregarding at the present time. Thus, the rough patch I was going through.

All of the resistance I had about meditating was purely originating from my ignorance about the practice. It was time for me to change that and try meditation. I meditated every day for thirty days and I honestly did feel better overall. I was more positive, less anxious, relaxed, open-minded and I just felt closer to myself which made my relationships better as well.

What happened next?

I stopped. I don’t know why maybe I got busy with something or I simply lost the momentum Whatever the reason, I stopped meditating.

For a while it was okay, nothing really changed. The key phrase here is “for a while” because something did happen. I became overly agitated, less motivated, and downright uneasy to be with. I was worse than I was before I started meditating.

My friend reminded me about meditation and asked if I was still practicing. Embarrassingly, I told her I was not and as I heard myself admit it I wondered why I stopped. I was feeling so good before. Why was I not giving myself 10 minutes a day (yes, it does not need to be a long session) to basically have a time-out and reboot?

What I realized about meditation

At that moment, I realized that for me that is what meditation is. It is a reboot. A time to quiet the mind for just 10 minutes, to clear away all the crap, stop listening to the monkey mind, and allow me to be open to all opportunities that arise.

It’s kind of like kids and naps. If you wait too long to put them down they get very tired and cranky and are not much fun to be around. However, once they nap and are refreshed they are happy and joyful. The trick is to put them down before they are tired and cranky.

So yes, I began my meditation practice again and it is working for me. When I find myself feeling regularly agitated I check in with myself. Chances are, I need to add more meditation to my life.

Methods of meditation that work for me

There are various different methods of meditation that work for me. I find that when I am consistent with a method it seems to have a better effect on me. I am not sure if the benefit builds up over time or if I just like the routine.

Below are some of the methods I use. If you are new to meditating try one out for a month and see how you feel. Switch it up too. You may prefer one over another. Ultimately, whatever helps you feel awesome every day is what works for you. For me, the answer to the question, “Does meditation work?” Is YES!!

Sitting meditation

sitting meditation

I’ve done a sitting meditation (not sure this is what it is officially called) with and without music. It really is your preference but I do better without music. Otherwise, I start dancing a little inside and lose track of my breath (more about music and dancing later).

For sitting meditation, find a comfortable and quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Set your timer. If you are new start with 5 min and then work your way up to 10 or more minutes.

Gently close your eyes and focus on your breath. Notice your natural breathing pattern. Any thoughts that come into your mind just notice them and then refocus on your breath.

If this is hard then put on a fan or something quiet and focus on that. The point is to relax your mind from thinking. Don’t forbid yourself to think. It’s about learning how to redirect the thinking to your breath.

I try to do 10 minutes of sitting meditation daily. Most recommendations I read suggest to meditate in the early mornings. I find that I am already fairly refreshed in the morning after my sleep so a lunchtime meditation works better for me (think nap). That being said, try different times of the day. Maybe evenings are better for you.

Walking meditation


This is actually one of my favorites because I love walking and I love nature. When I started this method I listened to guided walking meditations that I found on YouTube which helped me get a general idea of what to do. However, I found that over time, I knew what was going to be said in the guided meditation, so my mind would wander or jump ahead. Basically, this just defeated the purpose of meditating.

I have two methods for my walking meditations (which I do most days). One is with music and one is without music.

When I use music, I choose something without words and something that I have no memories from. So, no 80’s music brings me back to my high school years for this meditation (again, we will get to music later). The volume is low for the music and I focus on my breath as I walk, very similar to the sitting meditation but keep your eyes open. This is extremely important when walking!

When I choose no music for my walking meditation I really focus on my breath and the sounds around me. The sounds of my feet stepping, the sounds of birds, cars, dogs, wind, all of it. Keep in mind you only want to notice these sounds. Don’t think about how they make you feel. Notice them and then return your focus to your breath. Again, with your eyes open!!

Getting lost in something you love- is this meditation?

lady dancing

Have you ever been working on something and then you look up and find hours passed by without you knowing? Chances are you were doing something you love and your mind was not open to receiving any negative or stressful thoughts. That, from my perspective, is a form of meditation.

Earlier I mentioned music. For many, music is very therapeutic. Certain songs can shift your energy. Listening to music is a wonderful way for me to get out of the monkey mind. Music inspires me to sing (although only when alone), dance, and exercise. I just feel better all around.

Think about some of the things you love doing and how they can be incorporated into your practice. A few ideas if you are stuck are below




Exercise such as Bike riding/hiking/running/walking



Cleaning house (yes! cleaning)


So so many more….I cannot list them all. Write down some that you enjoy and start getting lost in something you love.

So…does meditation work?

For me, meditation really does work. It brings me closer to my inner self and gives me a break from any mind chatter. Just like the child who needs a nap in order to be refreshed, I also need a bit of a daily reboot.

I encourage you to try meditation. Try it for a month. Try different methods. Create your own variation. I don’t believe there is a right or wrong. If you feel good doing it and you are seeing benefits than do it and enjoy it.

You may be wondering why I have a meditation article attached to my blog that is focused on debt-free living, budgeting, and financial freedom. It is simply because meditation is a great tool to use when discovering your values and your vision. It is a perfect way to clear your head and be open to receiving all of the abundances in life and that includes financial abundance. So, get out of your head and enjoy another aspect of freedom.

For related articles, click the links below



My Personal Values Checklist


Thanks for reading!

Stay balanced,


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