Why Meditation Might Be Good For Your Finances

Is it possible that meditation can help your financial situation? There is a plethora of information suggesting that manifestation, meditation, and positive thinking will bring abundance in many forms, including finances. Can this be possible? All you have to do is quiet your mind, repeat a few mantras, stay positive, and then the bucks start rolling in. Well, I’m not convinced it is that simple. However, meditation is definitely a tool that can lead you in a direction to help your financial situation.

Benefits of meditation

Before we get into how meditation can help your financial situation lets review a few of the benefits of meditation. There are tons of benefits to meditating but the three I list below are my personal favorites and what helps me.

1. Improves focus and attention

Regular meditation gives you the opportunity to improve your focus and maintain your attention. By training your brain during meditation practices to shift focus on your breath when you are distracted or experience mind chatter, you are building that muscle to work for you during your regular daily activities. It is much easier to redirect your focus to the task at hand when you find yourself distracted.

2. Reduces stress and anxiety

Breathing is one of the more helpful techniques when it comes to stress and anxiety. Have you ever noticed when you are overly anxious, stressed, angry, worried, or scared that you are holding your breath? Ever have a panic attack? What is the remedy? It is to breathe. All of those sayings like “just breathe” really do mean something. Our breath brings us back to the center.

Most, if not all meditation practices focus on the breath. They do not suggest forcing the breath but instead notice the natural rhythm of the breath. Doing this naturally puts you in a relaxed state and when you are in a relaxed state your mind is at ease. This state of ease is where you want to be. It is where you begin listening and trusting your intuition….which is the next benefit.

3. Trust your intuition

Sometimes we just think too much. Constant thinking pushes our intuition away. We are conditioned to have an answer, do our research, think everything through, and forget that sometimes it is best to just ask for what we want, let it go for a while, and allow the answers to come to us. Trust our inner guidance…our intuition.

Have you ever lost something and could not find it no matter how hard you tried? When you finally stopped looking it was right there in front of you the whole time.

What about trying to think of somebody’s name and it was on the tip of your tongue but you could not remember it? Only to find that when you were not thinking about it the name popped into your head!

These are examples of simple everyday things that show why sometimes just letting go will bring you so much more and get this….it will be easier. There is no resistance.

Meditation practices teach you how to let go of the monkey mind, mind chatter, and the need to have an answer. Just breathe and know that your intuition will guide you. It really will. You will be amazed how much more clearly you think when all that crap is removed from your mind. Don’t believe me? Try it for a month.

How does meditating help your financial situation?

lady sitting with a lightbulb over her head

Well. money is not going to fall out of the sky just because you meditated and your debt will not magically disappear. But, what will happen is that you will be open to receiving an idea! When you meditate and quiet your mind, you allow space for ideas to come to you. Those ideas have emotions attached to them and those emotions give you the inspiration to take action which allows you to meet your goals and reach your vision.

A story to illustrate how meditation might help

Christy really want to buy a house but she struggled with getting the down payment. She tried everything she could think of to earn some extra cash but nobody was hiring for part-time work. The more Christy tried, the harder everything seemed. She just wanted a part-time gig to help her make some extra money for a down payment. Why could she not find a job?

After much frustration, she just give up looking for a while. Christy decided that maybe now is not the right time to buy a house. She started meditating to calm her mind and relieve some stress and after a few weeks, she was happy and content with her current life knowing that someday she would get that house. She remained optimistic and enthusiastic about her vision yet did not experience the impatience and frustration she previously was feeling.

One day, out of nowhere Christy’s friend mentioned that their daughter needed some help with her schoolwork. Sure, Christy can help. It comes easy to her to help kids with their schoolwork and is so satisfying to watch them learn. Christy had an idea. Maybe she could tutor kids for extra money! Her friend agreed the idea was brilliant and recommended Christy to a few friends Before she knew it Christy was really busy, having fun, feeling helpful, and on her way to getting that down payment.

Was it meditation that helped?

Lady thinking

Was it meditation itself or was it the quieting of the mind that allowed Christy to see the opportunities in front of her? In the story above, Christy lets go of the constant need to find a job. That desperation was in the energy she carried around with her which most likely affected her ability to find the right job for her.

When she meditated she was able to let go, relax and quiet her mind. She released that energy to make room for new energy. Knowing that she would still get her house when the time was right kept her vision alive in her mind. Being grateful for where she has helped her remain in a calm place and shift her energy. At the same time, she was not frantic about how to get there. When the opportunity came to her in the form of an idea, Christy was there to receive it and take action.

Of course, there will be controversy around whether meditation can help you financially but in my opinion, anything that opens up your mind for fresh ideas to come in that can lead to financial success is a big huge win. Why not try it? There is really nothing to lose…except maybe stress.

Thanks for reading!

Stay balanced,


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