How to Manifest Money with these 6 tips

How to manifest money? When you read this phrase does it feel like there should be a step-by-step process that you follow and then…poof!.. money starts to appear out of nowhere? You say a few affirmations, quiet your mind, buy a lottery ticket, and BAM! you are a billionaire?

Well, I don’t think it works quite like this but there are some things that you can definitely do to allow abundance to show up in your life.

What is manifesting?

Before we get into how to manifest money, let’s start with a quick definition of what manifesting is.

Manifesting is allowing something tangible, such as money, into your life using the power of beliefs, thoughts, emotions, and inspired action.

There are a lot of different definitions of manifestation. I created the one above by altering a few words from various definitions so that it resonates with me. You may want to do the same so that you can use the definition as a reminder when you are feeling stuck on your journey.

The 6 tips to manifest money.

The below tips are meant to inspire you to think about how to manifest money. In reality, you are manifesting all the time. You are just not aware of it.

Try some of these tips, be open-minded and you will be shocked when you see what unfolds. I was a skeptic for a long time, but no more. I’ve felt the rewards of this in my own life as well as witnessed how it changed the lives of others.

Alright, let’s get into the 6 tips.

1. Money mindset and limiting beliefs

Before you can get anything, you need to allow it. If you are blocking money from getting in, it will stay out.

Take an honest look at your money mindset. Do you have negative beliefs about money? Do you have money anxiety? Are you telling yourself that you do not deserve money that you will never have enough money or that money is the root of all evil?

If you have these beliefs then you are not opening yourself up to allow the money to come in.

Think of money as your friend. Would your friend want to come and visit with you if you believed these things about them? Probably not. Open your home (in this case your mind), think nice thoughts and allow the money to come to you.

Think about how money helps you and others. Remind yourself that there is enough money for everyone. Take a look at how happy you are when your family has food that money can buy.

In other words, appreciate money. I am not saying that money is everything, but face it….we like money. So be honest about that and say it out loud. I like money and money likes me!

2. Raise your vibration to manifest money

What does this even mean? I was pretty ignorant of this concept for many years, but once I understood it, things changed….for the better.

Raising your vibration is basically raising your energy field so that you are more aligned with your higher self. In other words, stay away from things or people that bring you down (lowering your vibration), keeping you in a negative mindset.

Here are a few habits that can lower your vibration. If you find yourself getting sucked into these quite often, try taking a break for a while and see how you feel.

  • Fear-based news
  • Social media overload
  • Energy draining people
  • Mindless activities
  • Poor diet
  • Lack of sleep
  • Overindulgence in alcohol/drugs

Avoiding low-vibration habits will naturally raise your vibration. You can also incorporate some new habits into your life that will help. Here are some examples of higher vibration habits. Try a few and see how they work.

  • Stay grounded by spending time in nature
  • Meditate daily, even just 5 minutes will help
  • Practice mindfulness with all activities
  • Eat healthy, natural foods
  • Water – drink it, be near it, take a shower or bath
  • Hang out with uplifting people
  • Exercise
  • Listen to music that brings you good vibes

3. Visualization – know what you want

Since this post is about how to manifest money, I assume you want money. But… much money? why do you want the money? how will you feel with this money?

You need to be specific. When you are specific it does something to your brain to get you excited and you become aware of ways to make it happen. Ah ha!!! that is another definition of manifesting…you become aware.

This is a fun tip for manifesting because you get to dream. Let go of any limiting beliefs you have and design what you want…create your own personal vision.

Creating your vision, without the negative mind chatter also brings you into a higher vibration. How could it not? You are looking at all the possibilities and truly falling in love with your dreams. Really, have fun with this, there is no right or wrong and nothing is impossible. Get swooped away and enjoy this step.

Some methods you can use to create your dream are below. Pick a few and try them out. Have fun with it and be creative.

  • Vision boards
  • Journaling
  • Create a video
  • Letter writing
  • Drawing
  • Make a list of goals

Be sure to look at your visions regularly. You want to keep them in the front of your mind (not in the back) so that you allow yourself to see the opportunities around you that will manifest your dreams.

4. Let go of resistance to manifest money

Release your resistance if you want to allow more into your life. What you resist, will persist. In essence, your resistance is unknowingly manifesting the exact opposite of what you want.

What is resistance? It is an internal struggle between your mind and your true desires.

In other words, you want something and you are working toward it but your mind is telling you something contradicting and it does not feel good.

For example, you may be working on manifesting money with affirmations, vision boards, etc but at a deeper level, your mind says that you are not good enough, you don’t deserve it or it’s selfish.

Until you release the resistance you will remain in the same place and not allow what your true desires are to come to fruition.

How do you know when you are resisting? One indicator is the need to be in control. Controlling is not the same as allowing. If you find that you are trying to control a situation or a person then you are resisting the natural flow and missing opportunities that come your way.

The need to be in control can indicate issues with trust, fear, and limiting beliefs. Try letting go and trusting that things will always work out. This will not be easy if you have developed a controlling personality but as you practice letting go and trusting, it will get easier.

Resistance is futile. (for those Trekkies)

Here are some ways you can release resistance to money.

  • Stop judging yourself about your money habits or past experiences
  • Pay attention to how you speak of money
  • Acknowledge that money is good
  • Trust that things will always work out
  • Notice when you are trying to control a situation and then try backing off
  • Be honest about your fears
  • Add mindfulness to your money management tasks and remind yourself you are always doing your best.

Sometimes just being nice to yourself is all you really need. When you find you are resisting, and it will happen, it might be time for a little self-love and appreciation.

5. Inspired action

Sorry, but changing your mindset, coming up with a great vision, raising your vibration, and letting go of resistance are not going to have money come rolling to you. You will need to take action.

But….it will be an action that is inspired by all of those previous tips. When your mind is clear and your vibration is up you are open to receiving hints of what actions you can take. This is your intuition talking and without resistance, you are able to hear it and get this…..listen to it.

Have you ever felt you were just in the right place at the right time? Or maybe you randomly meet someone who is a perfect contact for your new business adventure? What about that great idea that just popped up in your head?

These are not coincidences. This is you being willing and ready to receive the opportunities that are always there for you.

When you have these impulses and they feel strong, take some inspired action toward them and trust that things will work out.

Maybe it will be changing your line of work or possibly you might want to start paying down your debt so that you can buy that dream home that is pasted into your vision board.

The ideas and inspiration will flow to you as you are more open and the best part is that they will line up with your inner desires. With this alignment, you will slowly start releasing any resistance. The cycle will continue until you become a manifesting machine.

6. Gratefulness

Being grateful just makes you feel good and feeling good is what we all want. When you are grateful you raise your vibration as you are focusing on good things.

You are also sending messages of what you want more of in your life. Not because it is lacking but because you love it so much.

Every day think of all that you are grateful for. You can do this in the morning, before bed, or mid-day. Just spend five minutes pausing from your current moment and reflect on all of the things you love about your life and all of the good.

If you are going through a rough patch then try thinking in a more general way. Maybe just be happy that you woke up and were able to take a warm shower. Grateful that you have transportation to get you to work. There is always something to be grateful for. Go find it.

Here is a Gratitude Journal Worksheet with some journal prompts that can help you get started.

Summary of how to manifest money

These tips for how to manifest money are not limited to money. You can use these tips to manifest just about anything in your life. By keeping a positive mindset, higher vibration, clear visualization, and no resistance you open yourself up to receive inspiration to take inspired action toward your inner desires. Wrap all of that up with your gratefulness and love and you will be able to manifest anything you desire.

I hope this article was helpful for you. If you have any questions or comments, please reach out.

Thanks for reading!

Stay balanced,


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