How to Get Inspired Action for Financial Success

Inspired action is action that you take when you are inspired to do something. Have you ever had an awesome idea pop in your head and you just cannot wait to get started? Your creative juices are flowing and you are so engrossed in the activity that you lose track of time? This is inspired action.

A forced action is one that you feel you should do in order to make something happen. If you are feeling like your wheels are spinning and you are just not getting anywhere it is because the action is forced. Forced action feels like a struggle.

Inspired action is the BOM!! It feels good! Your energy is up, ideas are flowing, adrenaline is pumping, and you are getting things done. You are so dialed in that nothing distracts you.

What is inspired action?

personal example

For many years I struggled finding a hobby. My work and family life was great but I just could never find that thing that made me tick. Whenever I was asked what I did for fun I really had no idea what to say. Let’s see, I like to read, walk, and um…. yea, how sad is that?

Not too long ago a good friend of mine complimented me on my money management skills. I never really thought about it being a skill. It was just something that I did….didn’t everyone?

Later as I balanced my checkbook I realized money management is something that I really do get completely lost in. In fact, every single month as I am reviewing my finances, time gets away from me. It’s not a chore. Instead, it is actually fun. I spend time looking at my money vision board, creating my plan and budgets and watching my progress. It’s weird, right?

Maybe it is weird, but my vision and dreams inspire me to pay attention to my money and it is fun for me to juggle things around and make a workable system. It’s even better when my dreams become my reality.

I thanked my friend for bringing this to my attention. Never did I think that money management could be a hobby.

Do you know what she said? “I don’t think many people understand money management, let alone like it.”

Inspiration alert

That is the statement that inspired me to start this blog. I am new to the blogging world and I spend a lot of time researching, learning and brushing up on my terrible writing and typing skills. (I promise I will get better) I spend hours upon hours in my home office after my eight hour workday and on the weekends. And I LOVE IT!

The time goes so quickly!! I am so focused and in the zone that I forget where I am. Sometimes, I put on a timer to be sure I stop because I still have kids and dogs to feed. This is inspired action. It is fun, exciting, and just feels damn good!

Was it my friend’s comment that inspired me to start something new? Well, sort of. But what really ignited and sparked my inspired action was that I was ready to receive it.

Inspired action comes to us when we allow it. You see, I wanted a hobby. My friend did not know I was searching for a hobby when she made her comment. But somehow that statement gave me an idea. If I were in another place mentally I may have just brushed the whole thing off and continued feeling frustrated that I could not find that thing that takes me away.

Where does inspired action come from?

Inspired action is a term generally associated with the Law of Attraction. However, even if you don’t believe in all that stuff you have to admit that it feels pretty darn good when you are lost in an activity and feeling productive. So how do you get there?

I found that inspired action comes from within. When I am jazzed up about something, I will find a way to make it happen and enjoy the process (well, most of it anyway) along the way. It is not forced. It comes naturally and it feels amazing!

If you are not feeling inspired, try the following:

Sometimes, just chilling out for a while allows the mind to be open for opportunities. In other words, allow it and don’t force it.

How can inspired action lead to your financial success?

Let’s back up a little bit and talk about financial success. Financial success is whatever you define it as. Some people define it as obtaining a particular amount of money. It could be paying down your debts, sticking with your budget, saving a certain amount of money, or buying something you have always dreamed of. It could be having the means to give and help others.

There are loads of definitions of financial success. But, there is one thing that they all have in common. Some sort of action must be taken in order to achieve it. It can be forced action or inspired action, but there must be some action.

Below are two different scenarios. The first describes a forced action approach to financial success and the second describes an inspired action approach.

Scenario 1 – forced action

You look at the mountain of bills on your table and are well aware of how much debt you are in.

Your job is decent and your living situation is comfortable. You would like to buy a house one day and you are well aware that your debt needs to be paid off before you can do so.

Every month you dread paying your bills. You robotically do your tasks but there is no joy or satisfaction in it. You pay slightly more than the minimum payment each month but it does not seem to make any difference in your balances.

It’s a little frustrating and you don’t have much motivation so you tell yourself things are fine the way they are.

Your friends mention that you have great skills and can probably find a better paying job but you are happy where you work and don’t really want to learn anything new.

In this scenario, your desire to buy a house is not enough to inspire you to make improvements in your finances. Could it be the house is not what you really want or maybe you don’t believe you deserve a house?

If you continue on this path, it is likely that it will take a long time to pay off that debt and eventually buy the house. The journey may be a struggle and in the end it may be possible that the house is not really what you wanted.

Scenario 2 – inspired action

You look at the mountain of bills on your table and are well aware of how much debt you are in. On your wall is your vision board with a big photo of the house that you want to buy in two years and the happy dogs and kids playing in the yard. You look at it and smile. It feels good to you. Although you are content and happy where you are there is also so much joy knowing that you are on a path of growth.

You’ve committed to pay extra on your bills in order to eliminate your debt and improve your debt to income ratio.

Each month you are eager to review your finances because you see financial progress. Your excitement leads to new ideas for earning more money as well as tweaking your budget. You are inspired to start a side hustle and vow to put all the extra income into savings for a healthy downpayment.

On top of that, you find creative ways to alter your spending habits, giving you more money to put toward your debt payments.

In this scenario you are inspired by your vision and the way it makes you feel. You know what you want and you are ready to receive any of the ideas that come to you while you are on your journey. Actually, you are attracting the ideas to you (for the LOA believers)


Any progress you make in life, whether it be financial or otherwise, is the result of some type of action. Inspired action is motivating and leads to new ideas and more success. It can also help you overcome challenges faced on your path.

In the first scenario, there was not enough inspiration to lead to a change in action. Therefore, the action was forced and the growth was slow. The journey felt blah (cannot find a better word).

In the second scenario, there was something exciting to look forward to. Each action led to opportunities along the journey. The side hustle, the game of creative budgeting, and watching the progress all felt invigorating and motivating.

Without meaningful inspiration you are less likely to notice any opportunities that are on your path. Opportunities that might even spark some other desires you did not know you even had.

Of course we all have tasks that we are forced to do. We don’t always like every step of the way. But, if you can find something to inspire you and suck you into the zone you will be amazed at how fun and exhilarating your journey will be and how quickly you reach financial success.

Any comments or questions, please reach out. I’d love to chat!

Thanks for reading!

Stay balanced,


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