How To Create Your Personal Vision

Creating a personal vision helps clarify what you want from life. Having a clear vision will help you achieve your goals.

What is a personal vision?

A personal vision is your purpose. It will change depending on what stage you are in life. Your vision may be to own a home and start a family. Perhaps you are retiring soon, and you would love to travel more. Or, you may be in college, and your vision is to finish your education and work in a field that interests you. Whatever your vision is, it is the basis for how you set and achieve your goals.

Creating your personal vision

Creating your personal vision takes some inner reflection and honesty. Remember that this is your vision. There is no right or wrong and if you are not honest with what it is you want you will only be shortchanging yourself.
There are many strategies for creating a personal vision. I’ve listed the methods I use below. The process should be fun so if it feels like a lot of work or you are struggling then put it away and try another method. There is no one size fits all.

Write your personal vision in a letter

writing letter

Write a letter to yourself detailing your dreams and aspirations. I suggest writing it in the present tense as if you’ve already achieved what it is you want. Be as descriptive as possible, and be sure to include how you feel.

Writing down your feelings will give you motivation. Negative or neutral emotions won’t give you the same drive as feelings of excitement. Therefore, be as descriptive as possible when describing them.


One of my visions is to live near water. I am not specific if it is the ocean, a lake, or a river. However, I am specific about how I feel. It reads something like this.

I am so grateful to live close to the water. I feel so calm and relaxed. Soaking up all of the nature around me is peaceful and I have the energy I crave to happily enjoy my day with a clear mind that is full of inspiration.

Notice these words in my vision: grateful, calm, relaxed, peaceful, energy, happy, clear mind, and inspiration. Because I am focusing on the feelings that are important to me, I am more likely to make choices in my present situation that allow those feelings in my life. And, the more those feelings are in my life, the more I like them and the more choices I make to support them and then bam…..I am realizing my vision and dreams.

If you already have a particular vision in mind then write about that. Have fun with it. Remember there is no limit. The idea is to get lost in the dream and pay attention to your feelings.

If you do not have a particular vision to write about then ask yourself what your perfect life would be and write about that (in the present tense like you are already there). Just let it flow and don’t worry about spelling or grammar. The point of the exercise is to be inspired and passionate about something. Your desired outcome will eventually show up. This is your vision….or at least one of them.

Read your letter every day and try to make choices that support the feelings that you want and lead you to your vision.

Create a personal vision board

personal vision board

There are so many tutorials out there for vision boards. I think they are fun to do as it brings creativity into the process. It gives you a chance to thumb through all of your old magazines or if you like the online version you can look at online images. Looking at photos and inspirational words can open you up to your vision.

I have a poster-size vision board as well as a smaller notebook that I paste photos into. Personally, I like the smaller notebook better because it is portable and easier for me to look at every day after I read my letter.

Pick whatever works for you but be sure to keep it in a place where you can look at it regularly to encourage yourself to make decisions that line up with how you want your life to be.


positive affirmation notebook

Affirmations are positive statements that you recite regularly. Ideally, you recite them daily. Generally, they are written in the present tense as if it already happened and they support your personal vision.

I’ve read a few beliefs suggesting that just by repeating affirmations they will come true. Although I don’t know if just repeating something daily will make it come true, I do believe that by doing this it allows you to be more open to receiving opportunities that present themselves to you.

For example, maybe your affirmation is about financial abundance. I doubt just sitting around watching television and repeating this affirmation will bring you financial abundance. However, maybe while you are watching television, you will get a bright idea for a new business that inspire you to move forward with this idea and make some decisions that will eventually bring you financial abundance.

Reciting affirmations brings awareness of what you want and how you want to feel into your mind. This awareness opens you up to all of the possibilities and opportunities that are always around you… you just didn’t notice.

Here are a few of my affirmations to get you started. Feel free to tweak.

I love feeling relaxed and calm in all situations.

It gives me pleasure to know that I always do my best

Everything always works out for me

I trust my inner guide

It feels good knowing that abundance is all around me.

I am at peace with who I am

It feels good helping others

My home is comfortable and cozy

I am getting better at loving myself every day

In summary

The process of creating your personal vision is a journey of self-discovery. Have fun with it and enjoy it. Keep in mind that your personal vision is not only something to aspire to and work toward, but is also a valuable tool to remind you of how you want to live your life today. How today shapes tomorrow.

For related articles, click the links below



My Personal Values Checklist


Thanks for reading!

Stay balanced,


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